Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Okay! Christmas accomplished.. Check!
Ready for New Year's... NOT!
Can't believe 2008 is over already!!!! Yikes. ! It really is true that the older you get the quicker the years fly by.
I hope that 2009 treats us alittle better than 2008... (nuf said)
I hope to have way more time for artwork....
To be more time organized and watch less TV so I can accomplish this.
a.) Minimize new stuff brought to the stampin table... (it just makes me more overwhelmed)
b.) use what I already have...(no shortage of stuff, just ideas.)
Find new places for ideas and inspiration.
Okay. Ready for 2009.!
Yeah, right....


Candice Windham said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Now here's the bit of advice: Don't be like your buddy Candice and post once a year, whether you have anything to say or not!

Candice Windham said...


Shelly Hickox said...

Yay Silver! I'm glad you're blogging and can't wait to see some of your wonderful art posted. Great resolutions too. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Silver! You are going to adore blogging. It is addictive. Don't let it distract you from making art, though! Have fun with it!