Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So - here we are... 2010.
2009 pretty much sucked... so good riddance.
Although I am now a divorced old lady with two cats, an old house and an old car... and no prospects. Great. Happy New Year.

I have been so derailed by the whole last 6 months, that it's been about that long since I put my hand to any type of artwork. I just go in there and stare at all my supplies and feel lost. My muse has moved to Brazil and left no forwarding address.
I gave my sister a blank sweatshirt for Christmas, so I could put applique letters on it like one she saw while we were shopping. I at least have that project almost finished.... and it's lookin pretty cool if I do say so myself.
Had to replace the desk lamp that lights the sewing machine so I could finish it, but tonight it's too cold to go in there to work on it. I am sooo ready for spring!

Facebook is all the rage, but it' s really just a game spot for me cuz I don't think anyone reads any of that stuff. Except maybe my Dad. My email is mostly full of junk. Home group was down to 4 people this last time.... and the singles group at church seems to be asleep at the wheel - but its only going 25 mph anyway so no danger there.
Course if I didn't have church and choir I would prolly be in a rubber room right now... or on some sort of nice medication.... tho there are days when those meds sound pretty good....
It seems like it would be so much easier if I just had some sort of good reason why all this has happened. I've got nothing. Bupkus...He's certainly not a bank robber.... or a genius...Maybe he was a cheater... maybe he met someone and didn't want anyone to know....maybe he decided he was gay... maybe he's a closet porn addict.... Too bad he was such a prideful loser he couldn't talk to anyone about whatever it was.. even the one person who loved him beyond all else.

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