Wednesday, July 14, 2010

So strange... the world of the internet. Seems like no one, and everyone, sees what is out here. What do we call our desire to have everyone we know (and people we don't know) hear our thoughts, see our photos, know our movements? isn't it some kind of giant ego trip to think that 689 "friends" care what you had for lunch, or where you are right now??
I waffle regularly between feeling certain no one will ever read this, to wishing I knew anyone who cared about reading it.

My pen fetish is officially out of control. I have to get busy and complete some storage containers for my wonderful and exotic and wildly growing collection of pens.
I am afraid to count them. But even the ones that don't rate as favorites are cooler than any you would find on the average office desk. And I am not very exclusive... even ball point pens can make the grade if they are cool enough in color or shape or some other feature. I even have some that light up.
But fountain pens are totally the bomb. Especially when you have wildly colored ink inside them.

I think color completely rules my life. It is almost always on my mind. It is a serious consideration in any decision in which it is an option. Every day we are surrounded by color in our environment, either by choice or by default. Green grass, blue sky, brown leather seats, polka-dotted curtains, red sweater.
People who choose white or black (or beige) must be missing an important chemical in their brains.

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