Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Okay, so I'm totally bored with facebook, so I am going back to the blog thing.
I know. I have said I was going to keep up with it several times now...
and my last post was on May 10th. !
Well the whole getting divorced thing has sort of derailed any semblence of order my life was supposed to have, so I have been trying to get back on track....
with limited success.
I have great days when I have a head full of plans.. things I want to accomplish and ideas galore.
I have days when I can not focus at all and everything makes me cry.
and then I get mad at myself .
I am about on par for the course ... according to the experts.
and the days keep going by... no matter what you do....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Okay. I've really got to make an effort to keep up with this blog better. I have decent internet at home now and I will try to post more often.

This is a very cool technique I learned at my last stamp club meeting. One of the latest hot items in the stamping world is the "glimmer spray mist". They have varying degrees of color, and a little bit of lovely shimmer.
The cool accessory to this is a re-useable plastic mask, avail in various shapes... which you can spray over and sponge over. These are a few of my first's a shame the scans can't show you the cool shimmery effect. I also used clear glaze on portions of the blue one...I made a very cool one with a fish/sea design... which I have already sent to my Mother for Mother's Day, and didn't get a chance to scan. No worries. I can make another one!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Okay. so I been busy doing other stuff, and including getting sick, so I forgot all about my blog. Yeah so I spend Valentine's weekend with a nice cold. No kissing, no candy, no dinner out. too sick. Oh yeah and I got a kink in my back doing laundry sat.
What fun.
So not much of a loss in blogville I guess.
spending my spare time re-reading the Twilight books.... the 3 I have so far.
Waiting for my sister to finish the 4th book so I can read it.
She better hurry up -- I'm anxious.

Friday, January 23, 2009

no Way!!!...

jan 13th was my last post!!??
Well, I've checked some of my other fav blogs and
many have been idle lately, so...
it's not just me who's been too busy to post.

Partial reason:
I'm afraid my lovely sister has loaned me her Twilight books and now I am totally hooked! It's terrible! I think about the story all day and then when I get to read...(at bedtime usually) I want to read it all.... but I don't want it to be over.... and it's one o'clock in the morning... but it so exciting I can't wait to see what happens next.....
So, okay I'm a hopeless nerd, I know. .... whatever.

.........just don't make me quit reading it....

Another partial reason:
Nuf said.

Another partial reason:
Too cold in the stamp room to care about staying in there,
for anything.
Hopefully this weekend it will not be zero degreez, so a person could go in there without long johns and two sweaters. I need to get real about some projects I said I was going to do back at Xmas, and havn't started yet.
okay so sign me up for procrastinators anonymous...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yihoo !!! Sunshine!! We have had so many dreary days here I am so excited to see the SUN!!! Thank-you God for a window at my desk!! Amen
Tonight is Choir practice and after that I hope to get back to my stamp table and finish a few things. Especially a name tag for my sister, a new style of book mark I've never made before, and a couple other things I have on the back burners.
I am optomistic... but realistic about the possibility of being distracted from my course by: tidying, cats, husband, etc..

Monday, January 12, 2009

Most recent effort: Winter Owl
Includes an old image (flake swirl), a new image (winter owl), a cool punch (branch) and aqua blue Martha glitter!
I know!! ... Me glittering!!??
Well, it's aqua blue, so go figure!!
Tho the glitter doesn't really scan very well, (as we all know), in person this card is cool and frosty looking.
I have also made a few other incidentals like a new name tag... (and one for a friend) and a card with a new technique that's done on a tyvek envelope scrap... which I mailed before scanning.... (dang it) But I will be making more of those soon, it turned out very cool.
I hope to get more stuff done now that the madness of christmas is over....
I love to do snowflake stuff... even tho we hardly ever get any...
so now's my chance.!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rain, rain go away...

Okay with the rain already! It's been raining here for two whole days now. I think I'm gonna mold!
At least it's not ice -- which would equal paralization of the entire city.
It's just cold and damp and makes me want to sleep.... zzzzzzzzzzzz

I got some new Oxford Impressions stamps yesterday, so I'm hoping that will jump start my stampin mojo this week... and at least make me clean off my workspace and make some test projects!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

i need a vacation from my vacation!!

Whut day ez dis mon? I em so redy for tings to go back to no-mal...?? I've had so many days off.. I can't rememr whut day it is.....

I am trying my darndest to get christmas put back in the attic, but its just not happening fast enough. I keep getting distracted by all sorts of tidying. and Roby keeps putting movies in, which I wander in and watch.
James Bond is playing right now for petes sake!!

I get in my stamp room and just stare at the desk and think of other things I need to do.
ERRRRR! where's that leftover eggnog??!!