Monday, January 12, 2009

Most recent effort: Winter Owl
Includes an old image (flake swirl), a new image (winter owl), a cool punch (branch) and aqua blue Martha glitter!
I know!! ... Me glittering!!??
Well, it's aqua blue, so go figure!!
Tho the glitter doesn't really scan very well, (as we all know), in person this card is cool and frosty looking.
I have also made a few other incidentals like a new name tag... (and one for a friend) and a card with a new technique that's done on a tyvek envelope scrap... which I mailed before scanning.... (dang it) But I will be making more of those soon, it turned out very cool.
I hope to get more stuff done now that the madness of christmas is over....
I love to do snowflake stuff... even tho we hardly ever get any...
so now's my chance.!

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